Seattle, Washington

47.6062° N, 122.3321° W

Core Concerns

No. #21

"Without that one person stopping and talking to Kendra, Brooklyn would not have been born, and we wouldn’t be able to enjoy her presence. She wouldn’t be here."

One of my best friends, Chris, has a daughter, Brooklyn. She’s super cute, I like her. But before they had Brooklyn, his girlfriend at the time was gonna get an abortion. She went to the clinic. There were some protesters outside when they pulled up. You could just sense, feel the hostility. Someone talked to her and she decided not to go in and wasn’t gonna get it. She left right then and there.

We were on the bus when he first told me they were pregnant. I had just gotten out of jail. When I found it, it was crazy to me. It felt crazy because he’s younger than I am– they were in high school at the time– and I don’t have a kid. But he’s doing it. He’s got a job, and he’s just being a good father. There’s a lot of fathers out there that don’t really do that. He’s doing it, and it’s great. There was a lot of family involved. There were a lot of friends. They had a lot of good support.

Before Chris had Brooklyn, we were partying a lot. But now he’s really matured. He’s really on point. He knows what he’s doing. He’s got his daughter’s best interests at heart. He’s just grown up a lot. Having a kid will do that. You’re gonna have to for that little one.

I feel like everybody has a right to voice their opinion. I can understand why they were protesting. It brought someone into this world that is very loved. Without that one person stopping and talking to Kendra, Brooklyn would not have been born, and we wouldn’t be able to enjoy her presence. She wouldn’t be here. They wouldn’t be watching her walk. It wouldn’t be happening. And that’s stuff that needs to happen. Those memories need to be made. Those times need to be shared.


When an individual discovers they are unexpectedly pregnant, they experience a myriad of emotions and nuanced worries that are specific to their situation and unique identity. Pregnancy Core Concerns are an attempt to categorize and analyze the common concerns we've observed throughout these stories about unplanned pregnancy. While these basic categories cannot fully encompass every individual's full spectrum of concerns, they give a glimpse into the underlying motivations for why people seek abortions.

Fear of Rejection


Generational Trauma

Reaching Potential

Loss of Independence

Single Motherhood


Lack of Support

External Influences

Mental Health

Unready for Responsibility
